Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 61: An Apple A Day...

I try to eat an apple every day. Not only is an apple a good source of fiber, they also taste good. I am thinking of planting an apple tree so that in a few years I can have my own harvest of apples, but so far that is just a thought. I also started to eat prunes. I read on the package of prunes that "ounce for ounce" a prune has more fiber than an apple. Well, I like prunes, too, so... I eat both. I think I am getting good fiber.

One thing that is maybe lacking from my "diet" is protein. I should eat protein at every meal and sometimes I just don't do it. It helps keep me feeling full instead of hungry all the time. Since I have a salad for lunch almost every day, I have started to add some grilled chicken to the salad as a little bit of a flavor enhancer and as a source of that necessary protein.

Another thing I have been doing on a regular basis is NOT drinking coffee. Today was the exception. I drank coffee for the first time in over two months and I feel awful! I overdid it by consuming approximately 8 cups and it has left me with an "out of sorts" feeling. It is terrible. I don't know if I am coming or going. I am thinking if I ever do drink coffee again, it will be ONE cup, not ONE pot!

If you are following the blog, you may have seen that I am also attempting to be more consistent in writing it.  It isn't always easy because I find it is a lot easier to put it off and then conveniently "forget" about it. But I want to be more accountable, so I am working on it.

I have continued to ride my exercise bike, although I must admit that I slacked off for one week. I began again yesterday with an 11 minute ride at an average of 15-16 miles per hour for the first 10 minutes and then around 13 MPH for the last minute. It felt good. I worked up a nice little sweat and burned off around 50 calories according to the monitor on the bike.  According to Jillian Michaels (one of the trainers on Biggest Loser) if you ride an exercise bike for one hour at an average of 13 MPH you can burn 600 calories. WOW! I am not quite at the point where I think I should ride for an hour, but I will get there.

Thought for the day

You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where ... she is.

- Ellen DeGeneres

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Day 60: A Never-Ending Choice

Being healthy for a lifetime is a never-ending choice. We can't decide on one day to be healthy and on another to be unhealthy. We have to constantly make a conscious choice to be healthy daily.

It is not easy to make this choice daily. I struggle with my decision to live healthier. I know it shouldn't be a struggle, but it really is. Why would I want to live in an unhealthy way? Why would I want to put harmful chemicals in my body and call it food? Why would I deliberately run the increased risks of heart attack, cancer and other deadly ailments?

Those questions have a fairly simple answer: Because for the most part it is easier, cheaper and a lot of times the stuff that is "bad" for you simply tastes better.

Still, every time I think about food now I evaluate in my mind whether I should eat it or not. Should I eat that pickle? Should I eat that steak? Should I eat that carrot (yuck! NO!)?

If nothing else, this process of trying to be healthier has made me more conscious of the things I am putting into my body.

The biggest and perhaps hardest hurdle to overcome for me will be continuing on with this learning and being healthier after the Be A Loser Contest is over for this year. It is really easy to think about good health when it is something I have to write about at least weekly. It is another story altogether when I am not "forced" to think about it.

I want to believe that I will keep learning and that I will keep striving toward better health through better eating habits. I want to believe that I will forge on in the effort to lose weight. I want to.

Will I, though? That is the question on which I ponder the most. I think I will because I feel so much better than I did 8 weeks ago. I think I will because I actually like eating fruits and vegetables. I think I will because in spite of being lazy, I do enjoy riding my bike.

Thought for the Day:

“Walking your talk is a great way to motivate yourself. No one likes to live a lie. Be honest with yourself, and you will find the motivation to do what you advise others to do.”

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 59: Making it Happen

I was feeling a little down for the past couple of weeks. I didn't feel like I was starving or anything, but I just felt like all this "healthy" eating was more of a pain in the rear than a good way to be healthy.

I felt fatter and thought there was no way that I was losing weight.

In fact, I stepped on my scale at home and it told me in no uncertain terms that I had gained back nearly everything I had lost. Talk about a blow to the ego! I was about ready to throw in the proverbial towel when it occurred to me that even if I had gained everything back, I was still feeling much healthier and that had to count for something.

I don't know if it was water weight or what, but when I went to the weigh-in on Monday, April 26, I had, in fact, lost 2.5 pounds. I was thrilled because I was fully expecting the scale to register a gain.

Overall, everyone is still doing very well. Don't be discouraged and don't give up even when it feels like or actually is not going the way we hope it will. That is a hard thing to do, I know. It is hard to be enthusiastic when you want to eat a hamburger and fries and instead you are eating another salad, but I just keep reminding myself that one day I will be at a place in my life where I will either be able to eat a hamburger and fries on occasion or I will be at a place in my life where I won't want to. Either way, I have to view this as a positive step I am taking.

I have had some bread in the past two weeks, but only a couple of slices. I also refuse to give up going out for wings on Wednesday! A girl has to have some vice! I actually eat a plate of salad before the wings arrive and then I don't eat as many wings. Then I end the meal with another small salad.

I have learned a lot about eating and foods. Some of it has been a little frightening. When I think about processed foods now, I wonder how we survive when we eat all this garbage. I would like to tell everyone how unhealthy most of that food is.

When I shop now, I usually totally avoid the middle aisles in the grocery store. I stick with the outside aisles where the produce is and where the meats and frozen veggies are. I avoid the cereal aisle altogether. It has been fairly easy for me because I am not much of a shopper anyway, but this was a piece of advice that I found useful...stick with the outside aisles!

I will be updating the results from the April 26 weigh-in this afternoon, so watch for that. The race toward first place is tight so everyone is going to have to keep working.

I was going to say the end of the race is near, but really, it is only the end of the contest that is near. We should not give up on trying to eat healthy or healthier and continue toward our goal even if the incentive of a prize is not there. Like I have said from the beginning...the real prize is our better health! If we keep that in our minds, we are all winners!

Transformations Lifestyle System

I continue to follow the Transformation Lifestyle System. If you are interested in learning more about this, you can check my past blog entries or e-mail me and I will get you in contact with Tia.


The new T-shirts are in and they are awesome! Even if you have not made it to all of the weigh-ins, stop by the news office and pick up your T-shirt.

Thought for the Day

Charles Dickens
"The sum of the whole is this: walk and be happy; walk and be healthy. The best way to lengthen out our days is to walk steadily and with a purpose."

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 45: Making it Happen

I have been lax in writing this blog and for that I apologize. Life and work have been busy and I have been forgetful. I used to take ginko biloba to help with my poor memory, but I kept forgetting to take it!

Weigh-in from April 12

I have not received the weigh-in results yet, but will post them probably later this afternoon when I receive them.

I stayed the same weight which for me was good because I was sure I had to have gained 5 pounds or more. I just felt so fat and bloated. I don't know what was causing the problem, but as of yesterday, I felt a lot better. I don't feel I have reached a plateau, I just think whatever was going on with my body was causing me to retain water or something... I don't feel as fat today...

Regardless of what the scale says, we are and can continue to be losers! Being a loser is not always a bad thing! Just keep that in mind and you will go far! I am not giving up hope or slacking off on my transition into a healthier lifestyle.

This week I have been making an attempt at better portion control. It is hard to do when I feel so hungry, but I have found that when I eat the healthier, low glycemic index foods that I stay full longer and am not as tempted to eat (graze) all the time.

I need to work on not eating so late at night as well. I have become accustomed to eating a snack of celery and peanut butter around 9:30 p.m. This is really too late to be eating even if it is something that may be healthy.

Transitions Lifestyle

I haven't been eating bread, rice, potatoes or pasta for the past five weeks. Some people ask me how long I won't be able to eat those things or how long I will be on that "diet?"

My response is that I can eat whatever I want, I am choosing not to eat those things because I know they are not good for me.  If I could eat them in moderation, I could eat them, but they are huge stumbling blocks for me and therefore I can "not" eat them right now.

I have been finding so many other things that I like and that fill me that it is getting easier to not crave them all of the time.

When I first began this way of life it was difficult. I felt hungry all the time and I wanted my rice! But honestly, it is getting a lot easier.  Today I even had one slice of toast and I was okay with that. Even though it was totally delicious, I didn't feel tempted to eat more.

If you are interested in learning more about the low glycemic index and the Transitions Lifestyle System, please contact me at and I will get you the information that you want.

Parting Thoughts

Can you believe it is only a little over a month before the end of our contest? Don't give up hope now, work hard and you can be our winner. Even if you don't take first, second or third in our contest, just remember if you have been eating and living healthier, you are a winner!

Have a great day! Isn't this weather amazing? It has been awesome to see everything getting green! I love spring!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Day 40: Falling off the weight wagon: Or Weight is what broke the wagon

How have you been doing with your weight loss? Have you hit a plateau? Have you totally given up? Are 
you still forging forward with determination that those extra pounds are not going to get the best of you?

Easter was a little difficult for me. While I managed to avoid eating any potatoes or corn, I think I overate when it came to the ham and pork roast. I stuck with my salad and didn't eat the rice that tempted me
with its tantalizing look and smell. I guess I will have to see after the weigh-in on Monday if I have been doing okay or not.

I did slack off on my water drinking for a couple of days and even though I CAN eat peanuts, I don't think I should have eaten 30 of them.

Transformations are difficult. The important thing is to not get so discouraged in our attempts at weight
loss that we give up and "fall off the wagon" so to speak.

When I was a child I used to tell people to "wait" all the time. That was when my mom told me that
"wait broke the wagon." I didn't get it until I was a little older and realized the meaning of the 
"wait/weight" she was talking about.

Today I feel fat. I don't want to feel this just is.

I have been working this week on portion control, although I must admit that it is extremely difficult for me to limit the amount I eat. It has been relatively easy to modify what I eat...although I really miss rice
and bread and potatoes. Once I can teach myself to limit my intake, I think I will slowly be able to add
some of those "forbidden" foods back into my diet. I just have to remember that eating too much of them was what got me into trouble in the first place.

This coming week in the Independent News Herald, I hope you will enjoy my article on Super Snacks that help boost your mood.

ALS 5k/10k run walk in memory of Dick Becker

If you are looking for an activity to do this month, why not consider joining an expected 300 people to the 4th annual Run 4 Research for ALS better known as Lou Gerig's Disease. The event will take place
at the Becker farm near Browerville. You can get more information at the following link or stop in at 
Konetzko's in Browerville to register. The run/walk takes place on April 25. You can run or walk and
can follow a 5k course or a 10k course.
To receive additional information or to pre-register for this event, phone (888) 672-0484 or check out our website at (click on events/Third Party Community Schedule of Events).

Have a great weekend!!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Day 33: Hanging In There

I have a confession to make...

I am an eater. I like eating. I like everything about it. I like the smell, the look, the texture and even the color of food. (Well, most of it anyway.)

Being an eater does not make me a bad person. Even the fact that I have been an over-eater does not make me a bad person. AND that is the thing that we have to keep telling ourselves...We are not BAD people. (Okay, some of us are, but that is another story for another time...LOL...Just kidding.)

When I start to think of myself as a BAD person because of my eating habits, there are several things that happen to me.

The first thing that happens to me is that I open that door for the internal critic to begin her dangerous work of degrading me. I am no longer just a BAD person because I am over-eating, I am a BAD person because of a whole plethora of reasons from not calling my mother to taking too long of a shower and wasting water.

The second thing that happens to me is that once I feel BAD enough about what a HORRIBLE person I am, I start to eat everything in sight. I justify it by thinking, "Well, I am just a fat cow anyway, so who cares if I just eat and eat?"

Wrong thinking!

For one, we all have to work on stifling that internal critic. The internal critic would like to make us think that we are HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE, NO GOOD, ROTTEN people, but we ARE NOT!

As you may notice, I have battled with the internal critic for a long time. She doesn't rear her ugly head very often anymore, because I simply do not have the time to listen to her. She mostly comes about when I am bored (which is another reason that I eat and over-eat).

Once you can tell yourself that you are a GOOD person and start believing it, you can shut that internal critic down pretty fast. This takes time, however. I mean, it is kind of like how we became overweight, it didn't come on all at one time, it took some time. Losing that weight will take some time, too.

It is the same way with the internal critic. They didn't start with the "you're a BAD person" right out of the box and it will take some time to shut her down.

As I am reading over this, I keep thinking, "Wow! I bet everyone is going to think I am hearing voices!" With hope, you all understand what I am talking about!


I have been riding my exercise bike daily. Today I rode a little over two miles at an average speed of 15 miles per hour. I rode ten minutes at that speed and then as a cool down, I rode for a little over a minute at around 12 miles per hour.

With the wonderful, beautiful weather I am hoping to get my bicycle tuned up and ready to go for a "real" bike ride. It will be nice to be in a little better condition before I actually do that this year. Honestly, last year I did not ride my bicycle one time. I pretty much sat on my butt and did nothing.

Even if you do not have a bicycle or exercise bike, you can still get some really beneficial exercise by walking. Walking is free and it is really good for you! I have been slowly adding to my walking, but the last two days I have not walked much at all because my back hurts. I tried to walk a little the other day and it just seemed to make my back hurt worse. Having had a back surgery a few years ago, I know better than to push myself too far. I do not want to have to go through that again.

Transitions Lifestyle System

Eating healthy is not a natural thing for me. I am not accustomed to eating so many vegetables and low glycemic index foods. The glycemic index was originally designed as a guide for people with diabetes. It was found to be an important nutritional tool that now has many uses.
From the book "Easy to use Glycemic Index Food Guide": By indiciating how quickly a given food triggers a rise in blood sugar, it enables everyone—from diabetics, to individuals who want to lose weight, to people who simply want to remain healthy—to choose the foods that can help them meet their dietary and health goals...Here you'll get a crash course in carbohydrates, which is what the GI is all about..."

I have learned a lot from reading this book and learning about how different carbohydrates break down and what that means to me as a diabetic and what that means to me as a person longing to be free of a whole lot of excess pounds.

If you want to know more about the Transitions Lifestyle System, please do not hesitate to e-mail me at:

On a final note

Remember to hang in there. Grab a piece of cauliflower and eat it like an apple. Try new things that sound "yucky". I tried peanut butter on celery and it is delightful!

On a different final note

Have a blessed Easter. Think about the wonderous miracle that made this "holiday" special! He has risen! He has risen indeed!