Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Be a Loser With Karin: Week Two—A New Approach

Be A Loser With Karin: Week Two
A new approach 
from the Independent News Herald

by Karin L. Nauber

Albert Einstein came up with the perfect answer to what does insanity mean? He said that “Insanity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

As a scientist, I would wager that Einstein did a lot of the same things over and over again expecting different results.

I think Einstein might agree (if he were still alive) that sometimes you have to stop doing the same thing over and over when you find out that it just does not produce different results.

My many tries at weight loss have all been largely unsuccessful because I have tried the same basic things each time. I may have added something different, but the basic premise was always the same.

So this year I am trying a new approach. In fact, I am trying several different approaches along with some things that have worked for me in previous years.

First off, I have teamed up with an accountability partner. I will tell you more about this as we develop our plans more fully on how we will support and hold each other accountable.

Secondly, I am working with someone on a lifestyle change that includes not only changing the way I eat, but changing the way I think about food and exercise.

I will be blogging about these changes, as well.

Also, I will be adding things to my routine that I know worked when I stuck with them.

The first is that I have cut out soda pop from my daily intake. That doesn’t mean I won’t ever drink pop again. It’s just that I know when I deleted the pop, I felt better and lost some weight.

The second is that I will be walking again. I fell into a lazy mode and haven’t walked at all for several months now.

I know that walking helped make me feel better, too. When I walked regularly, even if I didn’t carefully watch what I ate, I still managed to lose weight.

Now the most difficult part for me will be to stick with it when it gets tough and I get lazy.

Make sure to check out my daily (or almost daily) blog at: I will have much of my day to day travel on this weight loss journey listed there along with what I hope will be valuable information and encouragement.

As promised, I am sharing my beginning measurements with you: bust: 54.5, waist: 53 and hips: 51.5.

Watch for my “Take a walk with Karin” videos beginning soon!

Be A Loser” Prize Winners

Our “Be A Loser With Karin” contest kicked off on Monday, March 1 with 37 participants signing up. The following participants won door prizes: Jon’s Family Foods $25 gift certificate, Gwen Greenwaldt of Eagle Bend; potted plant from Mary’s Etc. Shop  and Floral, Rhonda Leagjeld of Long Prairie; Everybody’s Market $10 gift certificate, Vicky Arvidson of Eagle Bend; first aid kit, Audrey Blashack of Bertha.

The next weigh-in is optional and it will be held on Tuesday, March 16 at the Eagle Valley Clinic in Eagle Bend.

We want this to be a fun program for everyone as well as making us all a little more aware of our eating and exercising habits and our health in general. Good luck to each of you!

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